"Dreamt I Was a Dog" by SWEET READE

A happy medium
Modern indie folk music, the genre of ever-pensive songwriters, often has a tendency to lean towards either being melancholy, or about over-zealous, head-over-heels, everything's-perfect love. Indie folk artists who walk the line between being heartbroken and being ecstatic are few and far between, but upstart singer-songwriter, Sweet Reade, puts this refreshing, more realistic and relatable tone on display in the title track of his recently released debut EP Dreamt I Was A Dog. The song starts out with mellow, melodic, and deceptively complex acoustic guitar picking, before the Minneapolis-based musician's gentle voice enters, describing the sights (and smells) of the world through a dog's eyes.
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Slowly building as it progresses, subtle synths and fast-paced kick drum and ride cymbal add depth to the track, as Sweet Reade conjures up simple, but vivid imagery of the beautiful, natural world that he, the dog, is making his way through. Vocal instrumentation and flute-like melodies join the party as brief, and inventively whimsical lyrics hint at themes of self-discovery and following one's heart. "Dreamt I Was a Dog"'s aura exudes sincere appreciation and reverence for the uncomplicated, pure pleasures in life, and Sweet Reade does an excellent job of conveying the compelling message that sometimes the smallest joys can have the most profound impact on one's soul.