"Ode to Viceroy" by MAC DEMARCO

The comfort in self-destruction
It seems like the subject matter of the majority of music that is released revolves around significant moments in one’s life, strongly emotional events or thoughts, situations that inspire strength and confidence or reflect on instances of misfortune or dissatisfaction, and other out of the ordinary expressions. While this makes sense because subject matter that diverges from the routine of daily life is generally more compelling and unique, it is refreshing to come across music that perfectly captures the sometimes pleasantly comforting, sometimes painfully repetitive nature of day-to-day existence. Canadian smooth-talking, smooth-rocking slacker Mac DeMarco’s 2012 tune “Ode to Viceroy” paints a hazy picture of the simultaneously pleasurable and destructive pattern of everyday life through the lens of paying tribute to his favorite brand of low-cost cigarette. 
DeMarco’s approach to rock can be likened to a faded, calmer version of Marcy Playground’s style, but with a twist of blues and a dash of surf rock. Steady bass guitar and quiet percussion keep rhythm for his freewheeling, sliding guitar patterns and tranquil vocals, which complete the laid back vibe of the song, which sounds like it was recorded in a sunlit room, thick with mid-afternoon sunshine and swirling cigarette smoke, clouds of dust twinkling in the hazy light. While the lyrical content is relatively uncomplicated, it can be eerily relatable to anyone who is a creature of habit, addicted to something that they feel keeps them level but also has its downsides that have come to just be the cost of doing business. “Ode to Viceroy” is a treasure to the unmotivated, a true expression of not only human weakness itself, but also the enjoyment that comes with having the freedom to let go and succumb to the weakness.